
趣赢平台’s Field Data Collector Team

Looking for a field data collection job? 趣赢平台 provides a great opportunity for you, with flexible work schedules, 有趣的项目, 旅游的机会, and work that is meaningful and impactful. Because 趣赢平台 conducts so many surveys, 无论大小, there’s always an opportunity to create a work schedule that fits your calendar.

As a 趣赢平台 field data collector, 你有机会认识有趣的调查对象,了解影响他们生活的问题. 你收集的数据可以帮助决策者了解对人们来说真正重要的事情,以及你所居住的社区和全国各地正在发生的事情. It’s a great opportunity to earn income while making a difference!

Featured Field Positions

趣赢平台 has a large portfolio of ongoing projects that allow you to work flexible hours; you can stay busy with the schedule you want. 看看下面我们定期招聘的项目,点击上面的按钮(搜索职位并立即申请),找到我们当前的机会并申请.

  • 亚太经合组织四世

    第四次准入、参与、资格和认证研究(亚太经合组织四世)将为美国提供.S. 美国农业部(USDA)食品和营养服务处(FNS)提供了关于国家学校午餐计划和学校早餐计划的年度错误率和错误支付的关键信息. 项目工作人员将访问学区和学校,通过审查和获取学生免费或减免早餐和午餐的申请副本以及点餐和领取数据来收集数据. Data collectors will also visit schools to conduct meal service observations.

  • ECLS-K: 2024

    The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, 2023-24班(ECLS-K: 2024)将为国家教育统计中心(NCES)跟踪儿童从幼儿园到五年级的进展。. 数据收集包括对儿童进行一对一的评估和测量,以及从儿童的父母/监护人处获取信息, 他们的老师, 以及他们的委托人.

  • 欧洲议会议员

    医疗支出小组调查(欧洲议会议员)为医疗保健研究和质量局(AHRQ)收集全国的医疗保健使用和费用。, 美国的一部分.S. Department of Health and Human 服务 (HHS). Field interviewers conduct in-person, computer-assisted personal interviews (CAPI), 或计算机辅助视频访谈(CAVI),对选定的家庭进行5次访谈.5年.

  • NAEP

    国家教育进步评估(NAEP)提供了关于学生在各个学科的学习成绩和学习经历的重要信息. Also known as The Nation’s Report Card, NAEP has provided meaningful results to improve education policy and practice since 1969.

  • 国家健康和老龄化趋势研究(一)是对65岁及以上成年人的全国代表性样本, funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA). 这项研究的重点是减少残疾和最大限度地提高健康和独立功能的努力, and enhance the quality of life as people get older. In-person interviews are conducted annually and include questions about health conditions, 住宿, 家庭环境, 流动性, 自我保健, 家庭活动, 经济福利, 和生活质量. The interviewer also administers assessments of physical performance, 认知能力, 听力, 愿景, 和运动.


    全国乘员保护使用调查(NOPUS)是由美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)发起的。, 它是美国的一部分.S. Department of 运输 (DOT). 路边数据是通过工作人员观察收集的,并用作衡量美国安全带约束和摩托车头盔使用率的一种手段.S. 这些数据还有助于安全倡导者和监管机构更好地了解他们的监管和推广计划是否奏效. In addition, the data identify subgroups within the U.S. 干预(教育和执法运动)应针对的人群,以帮助增加他们对安全装置的使用.

  • 路径研究

    烟草与健康人口评估研究(PATH研究)是一项收集健康信息的纵向研究, tobacco use and awareness of tobacco regulations, 产品警告标签, 广告, 以及烟草使用对健康的短期和长期影响, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Interviewers locate sampled addresses, interview sampled adults and youth in their homes, and ask some respondents for biological samples.


的角度来看s on 数据收集 Work

What is the job of a field data collector?

趣赢平台 data collectors are the critical front line, obtaining the data at the source. Depending on the survey, positions and assignments vary. Select a position title shown below to find out more.


  • Field interviewers conduct interviews with selected respondents in person. These interviews will be conducted using either computer-assisted or paper questionnaires, depending on study requirements. Field interviewers are responsible for contacting respondents at homes, 企业, or schools to conduct the interviews.

  • 登记员可在住宅等住宅构筑物记录住址,以便进行住户调查, 公寓大楼, 移动房屋, 或者他们可能记录地址和简短描述的商业结构,如购物中心, 办公大楼, 餐厅, and other nonresidential buildings.

  • 评估员 administer standardized tests, most frequently to children in schools, though other 设置 and respondents may be included.

  • Medical abstractors usually conduct their work at hospitals and doctor’s offices. 摘要人员审查病历,并根据研究方案的规定从文件中记录信息.

  • These positions range from performing clerical work, to observing behavior (e.g., observing seat belt use), to health professionals conducting medical examinations.


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